Contact Information
Use the physical address for sending packages and letters to Internetpress. Use the e-mail address for electronic mail.
Physical Address
InternetpressP.O. Box 320291
Los Gatos, CA 95032
E-Mail Address
Since using the conventional format for publishing an e-mail address on the public Internet exposes it to robots that scrape websites to capture the addresses to send junk mail, we cannot provide it that way. Instead, it is provided in another way.
An e-mail address is created by combining a user name and an internet domain name which are separated by the “at symbol.” In this case, the user name is SALES and the domain name is INTERNETPRESS.COM. So to construct our e-mail address you, just simply put it together as userName@domainName.
Business Hours
Our business hours are Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time (PST). We are closed during national holidays.